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SERMES dispose de moyens à la hauteur de ses clients. Notre présence commerciale s’étend sur l’ensemble du territoire français, mais également à l’étranger.

Sous ses propres marques ou celles des fabricants qu’elle représente, SERMES propose une offre alternative et évolutive très large de produits de qualité, disponibles, ainsi que des services et solutions complètes et personnalisées.

SERMES has the means to meet the needs of its customers. Our commercial presence extends over the whole French territory, but also abroad.

Under its own brands or those of the manufacturers it represents, SERMES proposes a very wide alternative and evolutionary offer of quality products, available, as well as complete and personalized services and solutions.

SERMES has the means to meet the needs of its customers. Our commercial presence extends over the whole French territory, but also abroad.

Under its own brands or those of the manufacturers it represents, SERMES proposes a very wide alternative and evolutionary offer of quality products, available, as well as complete and personalized services and solutions.

SERMES ha i mezzi per soddisfare le esigenze dei suoi clienti. La nostra presenza commerciale si estende su tutta la Francia, ma anche all’estero.

Con i propri marchi o quelli dei produttori che rappresenta, SERMES propone un’offerta alternativa molto ampia ed evolutiva di prodotti di qualità, disponibili, oltre a servizi e soluzioni complete e personalizzate.




201 chemin des Plaines
06370 Mouans Sartoux


09 50 39 60 05
